GIANNI CARREA born on Feb. 21, 1942 in Serravalle Scrivia.
Graduated in Italian literature and Philosophy
Lives and works in Genoa, Via E. Salgari 13A.
From 1992 to 2006 his interest turned into the study and research of animal and tribal beaviour thus leading him to frequent journeys to Africa where he realized several video-documentaries and photos both analogic than digital.
In this period his artistic production, relating to painting, has been reduced, certainly not in quality, but in quantity as he has priviledged serigraphies and litografies.
His works are permanently exposed in his show-room in Genoa, Via Salgari 71b and they are part of private collections both in Italy than abroad.
Some of his works can be seen inthe Civic Museum of Natural History "Giacomo Doria" in Genoa.
In 39 years he has been in Africa 99 times so that he is a higlhly qualified guide for photographic safari in Kenia and Tanzania which he organizes with a specialized tour operator.
Critics from:
Evandro Agazzi, F. Ballero, G. Beringheli, P. Bertogli, S. Bigazzi, M. Bocci, A. Boschi, G. F. Bruno, S. Campese, A. Calvi, D. Cassinelli, L. Castellini, L. Caprile, D. Crippa, E. Crispolti, V. Conti, F. Derme, F. Farina, G. Fieschi, F. Galardi, H. Huber, L. Inga-Pin, M. Loreto, M. Lussana, G. Mascherpa, M. Michieli, P. Minetti, S. Paglieri, T. Paloscia, A. M. Pero, B. Poggio, S. Rosso, R. Rotta, E. Schenone, A. Taddei, N. Verga, M. Vescovo, C. Viazzi, F. Vincitorio, G. Volpara.
Evidenced on Bolaffi in 1977,(Germano Beringheli), 1978 (Tommaso Paloscia), 1979 (Gianfranco Bruno), 1983 (Gianfranco Bruno). |